Tuesday, February 23, 2010

contrary to polular belief, Nokia is pretty awesome

remember Nokia?
nokia 5120 Pictures, Images and Photos
I do. It was my first cell phone and i was bad-ass cause i went to the Valley Fair Mall in San Jose, CA and had it transformed into an all white plastic monstrosity that i used primarily to play snake.
well, Nokia, at least for me, has lost it's significance as a phone manufacturer. I've had nothing but Palm's since my first white plastic brick, and i am totally iphone aspirational (did you hear me now Verizon Wireless?!)
anyways, i digress....
I had a meeting at work monday and my GCD showed our team this video:

The World's Biggest Signpost from adghost on Vimeo.

How awesome is that? When a campaign becomes an experience? It's something you can interact with, it's extroverted and social, heavily visual and a platform for people to talk to and about. But the flip side...what is the impact POST the "giant arrow"...an IA here asked the same question, and for me, it brought up a lot of valid questions. Loudest is indeed, what DOES happen after a flash in the pan? We're left with second hand accounts, a video and a dead website. So how do you mix something so innovative into something that has legs to stand on and space to grow? How do you change the game, create something beautiful AND meet the marketing brief requirements (and satisfy not only the client, but the targets as well)? How to create something award show worthy but actually has relevance and longevity in the marketplace?
enough rainy day ramblings, i have a date with a meatball sandwich-
see you all later

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