Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Crispin & Brammo go to Washington

For electric motorcycle client, Brammo, CPB is saddling-up and heading to D.C. to introduce Obama to the smallest electric vehicle in the U.S. And it's no mistake they are starting their journey in Detroit. Videos seeded on YouTube push users to the microsite. Site visitors can follow a Crispin staffer and Brammo designer via Google Maps.

Oh, by the way, an AAU School of Advertising grad works on the Brammo account.


From AdAge.

Brammo heads out to D.C. hoping to shock President Obama into noticing the brand's electric motorcycle offerings.

Tomorrow morning, Brammo Motorcycles' lead designer Brian Wismann and Crispin's Dave Schiff will be riding a pair of the brand's Enertia bikes cross country, retracing the path that Detroit auto bigwigs took to Washington D.C. when seeking their bailouts. Money for the brand's green cause, however, is not the object. Rather, the duo is hoping to open the President's eyes--"shock Barack"--into the brand's already existing electric motorcycle solution.

The pair's journey can be followed through their tweets. Throughout the trip, the duo will be seeking assistance in the form of recharging stations, food, lodging and, perhaps most important, access to the President himself.

The idea originated when creative director "Dave Schiff and his partner Alex Burnard came in and told me they thought we should give a Brammo to the President because he needed to know that America's most energy efficient vehicle was being made in Oregon by a scrappy bunch of electric vehicle visionaries," writes Crispin Co-chairman Alex Bogusky on his blog.

Bogusky adds that he presented the idea to Brammo founder Craig Bramscher, who " loved it and suggested we retrace the path that the American car company CEOs took when they recently visited DC."

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