This commercial is hands down my favorite work in 2010 so far. Old school Hip Hop, DJ Neil Armstrong, Snoop Dogg, Daft Punk, post-apocalyptic city scenery, and Star Wars...this not only defines the brand, but launches the campaign perfectly. They did an amazing job blending the two as well, which is exactly how and what the new product line is suppose to represent. The ships blazing by as they run up the stairs, the sound of the lightsaber while they play stick ball, and the explosion at the same time the dj drops the track, this attention to detail and perfect mesh makes any one interested and bob their head! The Side Lee agency collaborated with Boogie Studios to do this spot. Im so Hyped on this!
They also have a little experience on their website were you can have the death star target a friend and blast a specific location you pick. (CHECK IT OUT)
Side Lee collaborated with

I'm all over the Stormtroopers. What a terrific example of a collaboration. From the products designers to the thinkers in the digital space who carried the experience online and made the idea even more engaging. Nothing like blowing a friend into pixels. -Jon